Girl Talk
Capstone Press, 2015
grades 3-8
32 pages
co-author: Paula Skelley
illustrated by Julissa Mora
content adviser: John E. Desrochers, Ph.D.
Being a tween girl is tough, caught in that murky space between elementary school
and high school. Girl Talk poses and answers day-to-day life questions in a way
that's on-level, true, and expert-approved.

Besties, Sleepovers, and Drama Queens:
Questions and Answers about Friends
How do I make new friends? When is keeping secrets OK? What if my friends forget to save me a seat at lunch? How do I turn down a slumber party invitation? Tried and true answers to nearly 40 questions about friendship.
ISBN 9781491418598 (library binding)
ASIN B0189AIBK8 (Kindle)

Siblings, Curfews, and How to Deal:
Questions and Answers about Family Life
Why can't I have a cell phone like my sister has? What if my mom likes her new stepdaughter better than me? How can I stay close when my grandparents move away? Tried and true answers to more than 40 questions about family life.
ISBN 9781491418581 (library binding)
ASIN B0189AIBH6 (Kindle)

Lunch Lines, Tryouts, and Making the Grade:
Questions and Answers about School
How do I get all my homework done? What if I see a classmate cheat? Is it OK to sit with people I don't know in the lunchroom? How can I show my teacher how cool I think she is? Tried and true answers to nearly 40 questions about school.
ISBN 9781491418611 (library binding)
Lunch Lines, Tryouts, and Making the Grade:
Questions and Answers about School
How do I get all my homework done? What if I see a classmate cheat? Is it OK to sit with people I don't know in the lunchroom? How can I show my teacher how cool I think she is? Tried and true answers to nearly 40 questions about school.
ISBN 9781491418611 (library binding)

Tangles, Growth Spurts, and Being You:
Questions and Answers about Growing Up
How do I keep from getting pimples? When should I start shaving my legs or wearing a bra? What if I need braces? Why can't I stay home alone? Tried and true answers to nearly 40 questions about growing up.
ISBN 9781491418604 (library binding)
ASIN B0189AIBLM (Kindle)

Girl Talk: Questions and Answers about Daily Dramas, Disasters, and Delights
paperback compilation, 112 pages
This book contains nearly 150 questions and answers
about friends, family, school, and growing up.
ISBN 9781623702182 (paperback)
ASIN B00OY8P5SG (Kindle)
Gr 4-8–This series strives to act as a resource for advice about common issues and problems faced during those difficult preteen years. The books, which employ an eye-catching and engaging layout, are not presented in a straight narrative. Rather, four diverse female tween characters provide responses to queries in a Q&A format. A wide variety of topics are covered: everything from fighting with siblings to navigating the cafeteria. Subjects are loosely grouped into chapters, so the books are more for browsing than searching (although a subject index is included if readers want to get more specific). Cartoon drawings and photographs of real girls supplement the text. “Tip Clips” sprinkled throughout offer additional tidbits of advice from the different protagonists. The suggestions to coping with these tricky situations are solid, never veering on the saccharine or didactic. VERDICT Recommended for general collections.
--School Library Journal, “Series Made Simple” nonfiction supplement, April 2015
This was a great book that my daughter enjoyed reading. The book was full of great questions and answers and with the questions being answered from her peers she really connected to the book and to the information. In reading through the book myself, I can say as a parent that it is filled with a ton of great content and it has some fun and engaging ways to engage the reader with the content too. Get ready for some great great questions and answers in this well written book for tweens!
"Dad of Divas," Amazon reviewer
Gr 4-8–This series strives to act as a resource for advice about common issues and problems faced during those difficult preteen years. The books, which employ an eye-catching and engaging layout, are not presented in a straight narrative. Rather, four diverse female tween characters provide responses to queries in a Q&A format. A wide variety of topics are covered: everything from fighting with siblings to navigating the cafeteria. Subjects are loosely grouped into chapters, so the books are more for browsing than searching (although a subject index is included if readers want to get more specific). Cartoon drawings and photographs of real girls supplement the text. “Tip Clips” sprinkled throughout offer additional tidbits of advice from the different protagonists. The suggestions to coping with these tricky situations are solid, never veering on the saccharine or didactic. VERDICT Recommended for general collections.
--School Library Journal, “Series Made Simple” nonfiction supplement, April 2015
This was a great book that my daughter enjoyed reading. The book was full of great questions and answers and with the questions being answered from her peers she really connected to the book and to the information. In reading through the book myself, I can say as a parent that it is filled with a ton of great content and it has some fun and engaging ways to engage the reader with the content too. Get ready for some great great questions and answers in this well written book for tweens!
"Dad of Divas," Amazon reviewer
I had the pleasure of working on these books with a co-author, Paula Skelley. Paula and I go way back. We were English majors at Minnesota State University, Mankato, in the 1980s. Click here to find out how we ended up working together on Girl Talk and another series for Capstone, Go Go Global. (And don't laugh too hard at the pictures of us from college.)
This student found a look-alike in the Girl Talk series!
This student found a look-alike in the Girl Talk series!