Dog Walk Discoveries
Years ago, I traded in my treadmill for a dog.
She was a beagle named Dorie, and she turned me into something I hadn't been before: a walker. Nearly every day we ventured out into the roofless world, and nearly every day we made discoveries that could be made nowhere else but at that particular place, in that particular moment. Dorie has passed out of this world, but in my heart she is still eagerly tugging me outside, to see what awaits. That's why I still think of my walking adventures as dog walk discoveries. And I probably always will. I've tried many times to write about Dorie, to somehow put into words her sweet, stubborn, forgiving, optimistic spirit. But adjectives and anecdotes don't come close. If you have deeply loved and lost a pet, you understand this very well. So for now, I'll just share some pictures and hope that you can see how very special she was to me, and how she opened up my world. |